Department of Natural Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences


Full-time Faculty: E. Brevik– Chair, C.Brevik, Barnhart, C. Burgess, L.Burgess, Martin, Pierce, Steffan, Whippo


The Department of Natural Sciences provides coursework, degree programs, and expertise in biology, chemistry, earth science, environmental sciences, and physics to the university, region, and state with the goals of training graduates for successful careers in these areas and contributing to the intellectual, economic, and cultural development of Southwestern North Dakota. 


Bachelor of Science in Education - Biology Education

Bachelor of Science in Biology

Bachelor of Arts in Biology

Bachelor of Science in Education - Chemistry Education

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Geology Option)

Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry

Bachelor of Science in Education - Composite Science Education (Biology Track)

Bachelor of Science in Education - Composite Science (Earth Science Track)

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science


Biology Education (Elementary or Secondary)

Biology Minor

Chemistry Education (Elementary or Secondary)


Science Education (Elementary)

Earth Science Education (Elementary or Secondary)

Earth Science

Environmental Health

Certificate of Completion Program

Physical Science

Guidelines for accrediting agencies and professional societies are used in designing programs and courses.

In order to graduate, a grade of “C” or better is required in all major or minor course taken in fulfillment of a natural sciences degree or minor as well as ENGL 110, ENGL 120 and COMM 110.

For all degree programs within the Department of Natural Sciences, no on-line classes will be accepted in place of face- to-face courses with laboratories. Students can file for an exception with the Department Chair if it can be demonstrated that all 3 of the following conditions have been met:

  1. The required science class was not offered at least TWO times over the course of a standard eight-semester college experience.
  2. The student can provide documentation of the conflict(s) that prevented enrollment in the face-to-face course when it was offered.
  3. The student can provide evidence that they have met with and followed the recommendations of their appropriate, assigned post-freshman advisor prior to the required course offerings.

Note to Biology Majors and Minors:

Any biology course not specifically listed as a required course for the degree may be counted as an elective, except for Pathophysiology (BIOL 357) and Environmental Health Economics, Law and Public Policy Development (BIOL 260).

Another course that may be counted as a biology elective is Biochemistry (CHEM 360). However, if it is counted as a biology elective it cannot also be counted as a chemistry elective.