Department of Fine and Performing Arts

College of Arts and Sciences


Full-time Faculty: Lee - Chair, Carr, Grabowsky, Jahner, Marcusen, Potter, Snavely, G. Walter, Walter-Frojen, J. Walters, Wohletz

The Department of Fine and Performing Arts offers degree programs in Art, Communication, Dance, Graphic Design, Music, and Theatre.


The faculty of the Department of Fine and Performing Arts believes that the fine arts, by their nature, are especially important to the cultivation of the liberal arts values of inquiry, sensitivity, empathy and creativity. Further, specialists in the fine arts are needed to promote these values and to contribute to the cultural and economic base of any community. Thus, the mission of the department is to increase the appreciation of and the participation in the various fine arts in southwestern North Dakota and to train artists who can, through exhibitions, performances and teaching, add to the quality of life wherever they eventually make their homes.


Bachelor of Science in Education - Art Education (Secondary Education)

Bachelor of Arts in Art

Bachelor of Science in Art Entrepreneurship

Bachelor of Science in Education - Communication Education (Secondary Education)

Bachelor of Arts in Communication

Bachelor of Science in Education - Composite Music Education (K-12)

Bachelor of Science in Education - Instrumental Music Education (K-12)

Bachelor of Science in Education - Choral Music Education (K-12)

Bachelor of Arts - Music

Bachelor of Science in Education - Theatre Education (Secondary Education)

Bachelor of Arts in Theatre


Art Education (Elementary Education)

Art Education (Secondary Education)


Communication Education (Elementary or Secondary Education)



Graphic Design

Instrumental Music Education Minor (Elementary Education)

Instrumental Music Education Minor (Secondary Education)

Choral Music Education Minor (Elementary Education)

Choral Music Education Minor (Secondary Education)

Music Minor 

Theatre Education (Elementary or Secondary Education)
