Presidents Message

presidentIn a setting “Where the West Begins” near the rim of the breathtaking Badlands of North Dakota, Dickinson State University is a university of great heritage and wonderful promise.

During his early adult years, Theodore Roosevelt ranched, hunted, and in his words, lived the “strenuous life” in this region. Many times over the years, Roosevelt said these were the events and the place that formed the foundation for his great accomplishments of service and leadership. Every day at DSU, you will be provided with experiences that will transform and prepare you to be successful in an ever changing world.

Dickinson State is filled with a wonderful spirit of optimism. You will find there is an infectious collegiality among students, faculty and staff which leads to an unspoken, yet palpable, bond of deep respect for one another and a commitment to holding oneself to the highest of expectations. You will study in well maintained and updated facilities and have the opportunity to complement your time in the classroom by participating in a variety of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities which include: student research projects, music and theater productions, student government, intercollegiate athletics, clubs and organizations. Whether you choose to participate in lab sciences, in theatrical performances, in athletics or in community service, the friendships you forge here during your time at DSU could lead to great business partnerships or diplomatic successes for decades to come.

The community of Dickinson is changing rapidly as the energy industry expands. The university has been serving this area for nearly 100 years and has a wonderful relationship with the community. The dynamic growth in the area provides you with opportunities to participate in internships with national and international businesses. The education you receive at Dickinson State University will prepare you both intellectually and socially to succeed in your future.


Best regards,

president signature

D.C. Coston, Ph.D.


Dickinson State University