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2018-2019 Catalog
> COMM - Communications
COMM - Communications
COMM 100 Orientation to Communication Studies
COMM 110 Fundamentals Of Public Speaking
COMM 111H Honors Public Speaking
COMM 150 Forensics Practice
COMM 201 Coaching Forensics
COMM 205 Voice and Articulation
COMM 210 Advanced Public Speaking
COMM 212 Interpersonal Communication
COMM 211 Oral Interpretation
COMM 216 Intercultural Communication
COMM 280 Understanding Film and Television
COMM 291 Communication Seminar
COMM 292 Experimental Course
COMM 293 Peer Tutoring
COMM 294 Independent Study, Undergraduate Research
COMM 295 Service Learning
COMM 296 Study Tours
COMM 297 Communication Internship, Externship, Cooperative Education
COMM 299 Special Topics, Readings
COMM 308 Argumentation
COMM 312 Interpersonal Communication
COMM 313 Persuasion
COMM 317 Organizational and Group Communication
COMM 320 Contemporary Communication
COMM 380 Video Production
COMM 410 Public Relations
COMM 411 Professional Practices and Portfolio
COMM 491 Communication Seminar
COMM 492 Experimental Course
COMM 493 Peer Tutoring
COMM 494 Independent Study, Undergraduate Research
COMM 495 Service Learning
COMM 496 Study Tours
COMM 497 Communication Internship, Externship, Cooperative Education
COMM 499 Special Topics, Readings