Foreign Exchange and Study Abroad Programs
Dickinson State University’s aims to prepare students to live in an increasingly global society and to develop an understanding of different cultures. As part of this initiative, students worldwide have been invited to apply for admission to DSU. Likewise, Dickinson State University engages in sending faculty and students to universities abroad.
Currently, there are students from over 25 different countries including South and South East Asian countries, Caribbean Countries, Middle East, East and West Africa, Eastern European and Canada enrolled at Dickinson State University. In addition to opportunities for degree seeking student, DSU has exchange agreements with partner universities to allow their students to attend Dickinson State University and for our students to study in their institutions on a short-term, non-degree basis.
Dickinson State University is also a host institution for Government Sponsored Programs such as the Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange Program (CBYX) and the Thomas Jefferson Scholarship Program. These programs are sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, supported by the people of the United States and implemented by the International Research Exchanges Board (IREX)
Dickinson State University has, in place, processes for both faculty-led and independent student study abroad activities. The faculty-led study abroad excursions are especially exciting because they give students and faculty opportunities to participate in study abroad excursions designed to meet any type of education outcome desired. Faculty who are interested in proposing study abroad opportunities should work with the Office of International Programs.
Students can initiate independent study abroad activities and or international internships. Students who wish to study in a particular country or to explore specific topics of study should contact the Office of International Programs for more information. Students will be connected with DSU’s partner institutions as well as third party study abroad providers like International Studies Abroad (ISA), Knowledge Exchange Institute (KEI), Semester at Sea or other NDUS institutions.
Financial aid may be available for students who participate in study abroad experiences.
For more information regarding exchange programs with partner universities or general study abroad inquiries contact the Office of International Programs, (701)-483-2340.