Bachelor of Science in Education Degree - Mathematics Education
Degree Requirements:
General Education Courses
Major Courses
Professional Secondary Education
Degree available in Bismarck
Student Learning Outcomes
A student successfully completing the above major will be able to:
- Analyze a problem, model the problem mathematically, solve the model, and interpret the solution. (This learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes I, II, III, and VI.)
- Work competently in the following areas of mathematics: calculus, geometry, algebra, analysis, and statistics. (This learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes I, II, III and VI.)
- Demonstrate knowledge of the history and axiomatic structure of mathematics. (This learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes I, II, III and VI.)
- Solve science and engineering problems by using various mathematical strategies. (This learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes I, II, III, VI and VII,)
- Demonstrate proficiency in the ten In Tasc Standards. (This learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes I, II, III, V, VI and VII.)
Mathematics Education Major Courses Secondary Education
Students must earn a grade of "C" or higher in all required courses for this program.
Required in other areas:
Select 3-4 credits from the following electives:
Total Credit Hours: 56-57