NURS 198B Basic Nursing Concepts Clinical II

NURS 198B builds upon skills in NURS 198A - Basic Nursing Concepts Clinical I. End of Program Student Learning Outcomes (EPSLOs) of professionalism, communication, assessment, planning, and caring interventions as defined by the Department of Nursing will be emphasized in this course. Students provide care for clients in all stages of growth and development with stable and well-defined problems as a member of the health care team. Clinical rotations include acute care and extended care settings. Clinical experiences encompass restorative and supportive nursing skills that protect, promote and optimize health/abilities; prevent illness/injury and alleviate suffering. Foundational values in the discipline of nursing included in the clinical course are: caring, integrity, respect, advocacy and accountability. Prerequisites: NURS 121 - Basic Nursing Concepts I, NURS 198A - Basic Nursing Concepts Clinical I, CHEM 115, CHEM 115L - Introductory Chemistry and Lab, BIOL 111A - Concepts of Biology, and PSYC 111 - Introduction to Psychology. Co-requisite: NURS 131- Basic Nursing Concepts II. S/U grading only. Course fee required. Spring.
