2020-2021 Catalog

Graduate Studies

Dickinson State University invites application for admission to Graduate Studies from individuals holding baccalaureate degrees from a regionally accredited institution in the United States or with equivalent preparation acquired in another country.

Graduate Courses: Dickinson State University courses numbered 501 and above may be taken for graduate credit. Derived from the U.S. Department of Education regulations, the definition of a credit hour is based on direct faculty instruction - contact hours, plus independent (out-of-class) work. While variability among and between courses is anticipated, in general, graduate-level students are expected to spend 3-4 hours outside of class for each hour spent in class. That said, historically and philosophically the emphasis in graduate education has been and is predicated on subject-matter mastery—meaning that, to a degree, the appropriate amount of time (hours) spent by a student out-of-class is determined by the student’s ability to demonstrate mastery to the satisfaction of the professor.

Graduate Course Content Criteria: The following criteria (derived based on a review of graduate program best-practice exemplars) are put forth to provide guidance to graduate-level course preparation and delivery.

Course content should be intellectually challenging to graduate students.

Graduate-level subject matter should emphasize the literature of the discipline(s) and/or be drawn from relevant research and scholarly activity.

Graduate courses should build on previous discipline-specific knowledge, skills, abilities and experiences.

Graduate Policies and Procedures

The following academic policies guide decision-making of the Graduate Council. These policies establish minimum standards and qualifications, which program requirements may exceed. The Graduate Council will review and make recommendations for modification in these policies when appropriate.

Graduate Faculty

Graduate Faculty includes faculty or staff with full graduate status (voting), the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator (voting), faculty holding associate graduate faculty status (voting), and the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs (non-voting).

The Educational Programs and Data Coordinator will schedule meetings at least once fall and spring semester and/or as needed, and distribute the agenda one week prior to any meeting. All members may recommend items for the agenda and participate in discussion. Voting members shall make decisions. The members in attendance at the meeting shall constitute a quorum. A simple majority vote of those in attendance is necessary for action on a motion.

The unit Graduate Council represents Graduate Faculty members.

The Graduate Council

The Graduate Council shall include the following voting (full) graduate faculty members: two from the Department of Teacher Education, two from the School of Business and Entrepreneurship, one from the Department of Health and Physical Education, two at large and the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator.

The Faculty Senate will select members of the Graduate Council. Members will be selected every two years, with staggering terms for representatives from the Department of Teacher Education, School of Business and Entrepreneurship and the two at-large positions. In the event that a member cannot complete a term, the regular process of appointment or nomination and election shall serve to replace that person. Members may serve multiple consecutive terms.

The Graduate Council derives its powers from the Constitution of the Dickinson State University Faculty Senate. Policies of the Faculty Senate Constitution and Graduate Council regulate all matters affecting graduate education. The Graduate Council is the graduate unit policymaking body.

The purpose of Graduate Council is to promote graduate education at DSU. To this end, the Graduate Council will:

  • recommend addition or termination of courses and program concentrations,
  • determine standards and policies for selection and evaluation of graduate faculty and graduate instruction
  • determine standards and policies for selection, retention, and graduation of graduate students
  • act upon appeal by petition of graduate standards and policies by faculty and students
  • and assure uniform application of the standards and policies.

Graduate Faculty Status

Graduate faculty status recognizes a faculty member's teaching and research qualifications that enable him or her to conduct graduate level instruction and to supervise and direct graduate student research and scholarship. The expectation is that graduate faculty members shall contribute to the advancement of knowledge, the practice of teaching, and service to the institution and discipline. There are two levels of graduate faculty status: Full and Associate.

Full graduate faculty status may be granted to full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty or academic staff members holding a doctoral degree, or another degree nationally recognized as the terminal degree in that discipline. In addition to academic preparation, faculty holding full graduate faculty status shall demonstrate a record of ongoing scholarly activity. Full members of the graduate faculty may teach graduate courses in their areas of specialization, be assigned as advisors to graduate students, serve on graduate and student committees, chair student capstone committees, and participate as voting members of the graduate faculty.

Associate graduate faculty status may be granted: 

  1. to adjunct faculty who meet the academic qualifications required for Full status,
  2. to administrators or staff with appropriate academic qualifications as required for Full status,
  3. to faculty who hold a masters or a specialist degree from a nationally recognized program in a subject area that would qualify him/her to teach selected courses in that subject at the graduate level. Such special expertise shall be documented and accompanied by a letter of support from the unit administrator.

Associate members of the graduate faculty may include adjunct instructors. Associate members of the graduate faculty may teach graduate courses in their degree or specialized areas of expertise, advise graduate students, serve on student committees, and participate as non-voting members of the graduate faculty. Associate members who chair student committees must have another committee member with Full status who agrees to serve as administrative co-chair.

Approval, Evaluation, and Continuation in Status

Approval procedures for Full and Associate graduate faculty includes:

  1. The faculty, staff, or unit administrator completes the Recommendation for Appointment to Graduate Faculty form.
  2. The form shall be submitted through, and must be approved by, the administrator(s) of the unit involved. Additional materials for Associate members should be included.
  3. The Chair of the Graduate Council, acting for the Graduate Council and in accordance with the regulations promulgated by that body, must also approve the application.
  4. Associate graduate faculty will be reappointed yearly, based on recommendation from the faculty's unit administrator(s).
  5. The Educational Programs and Data Coordinator will notify the faculty member, Chair/Dean, and Provost/VPAA of the Council's action.

Graduate faculty are evaluated through the campus process required of all faculty. Faculty evaluation is the responsibility of the faculty member's unit administrator. This administrator recommends initial appointment to graduate faculty status and monitors continued faculty adherence to the criteria. The department chair of the academic unit will review faculty following the annual evaluation procedures, and will submit to the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator a recommendation for continuance or discontinuance of full graduate faculty status. Course evaluation is the responsibility of the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator and will be conducted for all courses.

Faculty members may appeal decisions on their status through the process described in the Faculty Handbook II-30 Faculty Personnel Policies and Procedures and ND State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) policies found in the Faculty Handbook, Appendix 11-E.2a.

  Program and Course Adoption, Assessment, Revision, Termination

Continuous updating of graduate curricula is essential to maintaining a high-quality program. The curricular modification process from academic division/school, graduate council, curriculum committee, faculty senate, and if necessary, SBHE, ESPB, IACBE, and HLC will be followed.

Program Adoption

Structured curriculum, which results in new options, certificates, concentrations, or degrees, is subject to review and approval. The academic unit sponsoring the program prepares a Program Request addressing objectives, relation to unit and university mission, population served, admission requirements, course requirements, impact on degree programs, and start date.  If the program involves courses from two or more departments, all academic units involved must receive notification of the request.

The Educational Programs and Data Coordinator presents the program request to the Graduate Council, which may seek additional or related information if helpful for its review. If approved by the Graduate Council, the program request will follow DSU curriculum change procedures and policies. If a program requires approval of external organizations, the academic unit and the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator will prepare and submit necessary materials.

Course and Program Revision

Faculty will continuously assess content, structure, and continued viability of the courses offered in the program, and make changes as the field necessitates. The assessment may lead to revision, or termination of a course, program part, or program. Initiation of action may be by graduate faculty, division chair/dean or the Office of Graduate Studies. The Educational Programs and Data Coordinator will refer revisions to the Graduate Council. Curricular changes will follow DSU curriculum change procedures and policies.

Course Numbering:

501-599 are reserved for master's level course work and enrollment is restricted to graduate students.

Course Grades

A - Excellent, 4 honor points per credit hour

B - Above average, 3 honor points per credit hour

C - Average, 2 honor points per credit hour

D - Below average, 1 honor point per credit hour

F - Failing, 0 honor point per credit hour, grade/course no acceptable toward graduation

I - Incomplete, not computed into grade point average until final grade awarded

W - No grade, student withdrew

S - Successfully completed

U - Unsuccessful attempt

AU - Audit

Course Credit

Course credit is credit granted toward meeting prerequisite or required program course requirements for courses successfully completed at DSU. 

Transfer course credit is credit toward meeting prerequisite or required program course requirements for courses taken at another regionally accredited institution. A maximum of nine (9) semester hours may be utilized for completion of program requirements.

Admission Requirements

Required Procedures for Degree Seeking Applicants

The following must be submitted by degree seeking applicant:

  1. Completed application.
  2. Applicants must pay the $35.00 application processing fee. The fee may be paid in-person or online.
  3. Official transcripts from all institutions attended. One transcript must show the applicant was awarded a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution. Official transcripts (transcripts having an appropriate seal or stamp) showing that student was awarded a baccalaureate degree must be received by the Office of Admissions before the application is considered complete. Official records of all graduate work must be received by the Office of Admissions to be considered for credit towards an MAT, MAEL, or ME degree.
  4. A written statement of purpose in light of applicant’s philosophy including a description of applicant’s preparation and interest in the field of education, athletic educational leadership or entrepreneurship.
Additional Admission Requirements for the Master of Entrepreneurship Program
  1.  Applicants must submit two letters of reference in support of their admission to the program. Reference letters should be from prior academic advisors, faculty, professional colleagues, or supervisors who can attest to the individual’s ability to succeed within a rigorous academic environment.
  2. Applicants are required to complete the SoBE ME Peregrine Entrance Examination. To ensure student success within the ME program, students that do not meet the baseline score will be required to complete academic leveling courses in the four fundamental content areas of accounting, finance, management, and marketing.  Academic leveling courses are abbreviated, intensive study, on average one week in length per course, in the content area and can be completed feasibly before full admission is granted.

Minimum Qualifications for Degree Seeking Admission Status

  1. A regionally accredited institution must grant the bachelor degree.
  2. Degree seeking applicants must have an overall undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale to attain full standing in the program. Applicants whose last degree completed is a graduate degree may be admitted in full standing if the final GPA of that degree is at least 3.0 or equivalent. If applicants have taken any graduate course, the graduate GPA must be at least 3.0.
  3. The applicant must have adequate preparation in the field relevant to the degree being sought and must show potential to undertake advanced study and research as evidenced by academic performance and experience.
  4. International students must meet the admission requirements for International students listed below.

Required Procedures for Non-Degree Seeking Applicants

Non-degree seeking applicants must submit the following:

  1. Completed application.
  2. Applicants must pay the $35.00 application processing fee. The fee may be paid in-person or online.
  3. No more than nine (9) credits taken under the non-degree status with a grade of B or higher can be transferred to any official program of study should there be, at any future date, a decision to change status to be a degree-seeking student.
  4. Non-Degree admission requires a minimum 2.50 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 scale. The method of calculating an Admission GPA is based on the last 60+/- semester undergraduate credits (90+/- quarter credits), using complete semesters (quarters). Applicants with a GPA below 2.50 may be admitted based on documented potential.

Minimum Qualifications for Non-Degree Seeking Admission Status

  1. Non-degree applicants must have a bachelor degree granted by a regionally accredited institution.
  2. Applicants must have adequate preparation in the field relevant to the degree being sought. In courses with limited enrollment, preference will be given to degree-seeking students.

International Student Admission

In addition to all other required admission materials, the following must also be completed:

  1. Official academic transcript certifying a four-year baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
    • All international credentials must be officially translated into English
    • All academic credentials must be either original records or certified copies of original records. Non-certified photocopies are not acceptable
    • DSU requires students seeking to have credits transfer use an independent evaluation from a NACES approved agency. NACES members are listed at www.naces.org/members.htm.
  2. Demonstrate Proficiency in the English Language by submitting one of the following:
    • (IBT) TOEFL score of 71 or higher (DSU accepts electronic versions of TOEFL directly from the company). Dickinson State University school code – 6477.
    • IELTS score of 6.0 or higher (Dickinson State University accepts electronic versions of IELTS directly from the company).
    • Pearson Test of English (PTE-A) score of 50 or higher
    • Michigan English Assessment Battery (MELAB) score of 55 or higher
    • SAT Writing sub-score of 430 or higher if taken before February 2016 or sub-score of 25 on Writing and Language Test if taken after February 2016. The SAT test format changed, nationally, in February 2016, which is why two different scores are provided. For the 2016-2017 academic year, test score from the old or new version of the SAT will be accepted.
    • Or any other acceptable demonstration of English proficiency approved by North Dakota University System Procedure 402.9.

If the international student has graduated from an accredited U.S. institution with a four-year baccalaureate degree, the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator, in partnership with the department, may waive the demonstration of proficiency in the English language as described above. Canadian students follow the Admission Requirements for resident degree seeking students and have an official transcript in English sent to DSU directly from the university attended.

Applicants denied admission may appeal by petition (see policy herein Due Process below).

 Student Admission Categories


The decision of admission to graduate student status at DSU is made by the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator in consultation with the program faculty. Application for admission should be made to the DSU Office of Admissions. The denial appeal process for the Master of Arts in Teaching program is described in the undergraduate handbook for Teacher Education. Applicants who are denied admission to the Master of Entrepreneurship may appeal to the Chair of the School of Business and Entrepreneurship in writing within 30 days of receiving this notice. Applicants who are denied admission to Athletic Educational Leadership track may appeal to the Chair of the Department of Health and Physical Education in writing within 30 days of receiving this notice.

The student may be admitted under one of the following admission categories:

Full Admission

After the required official documents have been received, evaluated, and a determination that the applicant has met all admission requirements had been made, this status will be granted by the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator.

Faculty make recommendations on all applications, and the final admission decision is the responsibility of the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator.

Full Admission may be granted only to degree seeking students.

Provisional Admission

  1. Students are admitted with provisional status when all requirements for admission are not met, or their GPA is below 3.0 but other materials show potential. Applicants with a GPA below 3.0 must submit scores from at least one examination such as the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), the Miller Analogies Test (MAT), Praxis I: Core Academic Skills for Educators (combined test - Master of Arts in Teaching) or National Teaching Board for Professional Standards (Master of Arts in Teaching). Scores will be used to assess students' previous educational achievement levels and/or to evaluate their potential for meeting the demands of coursework at the graduate level. For the AEL track, a letter of recommendation is required.
  2. The department faculty may make a recommendation to the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator for Provisional Admission. This recommendation must be accompanied by two letters of reference in support of student admission to the program and must include specific standards of performance that must be satisfied for change to full graduate status. Students admitted under Provisional status may not earn more than nine (9) semester hours of graduate credit in this status.

Students with full admission will be assigned provisional status if their cumulative grade point average drops below 3.0 after completing nine (9) semester hours.


Applicants who do not meet the standards for full or provisional admission will receive a denial of admission letter.  Denied applicants can appeal the decision. Appeals should be submitted to the Office of Admissions and include written rationale for the appeal and additional information not considered in the original application.  The appeal will be considered by the academic department and a written response will be sent.

Non-Degree Admission

Individuals who desire to pursue study beyond the baccalaureate degree for professional growth and improvement of skills but not to work toward an advanced degree objective may be admitted as non-degree graduate students under the following conditions: 

Non-degree seeking applicants must submit the following:

  1. Completed application.
  2. The applicant must hold a bachelor degree from a regionally accredited institution
  3. Applicants must pay the $35.00 application processing fee. The fee may be paid in-person or online.
  4. Students must have the prerequisite courses or background/experience necessary for the course or courses in which they desire to enroll. This may require consultation and approval from course instructors
  5. The applicant must be approved by the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator.

Students in this category are advised by the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator or their designee. Courses taken under the non-degree status do not guarantee admission into a graduate program. No more than nine (9) credits from courses numbered 501-599 may be taken under the non-degree status. Professional development graduate courses (numbered 2000) are not eligible for graduate degree programs, may be taken without formal admission to DSU, and are not limited to nine (9) credits.

Students enrolled with non-degree status may subsequently desire to be considered for admission to Graduate Studies to pursue an advanced degree. Such a change in status may be accomplished for a subsequent term by submitting a new application to the Office of Admissions as a degree-seeking student and completion of all other requirements. No more than nine (9) credits earned in the non-degree status may be used to fulfill graduate degree requirements if approved by graduate faculty, the Chair/Dean, and the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator.


A student shall be permitted to register for graduate study only after formal admission. 

The student is responsible for adhering to all dates established by the Registrar, such as adding courses, dropping courses, paying tuition and fees, and withdrawing from course(s). 

It is the student's responsibility to inform the Registrar, Educational Programs and Data Coordinator, and advisor of any changes in student information or intentions. 

Students enrolled in at least nine (9) graduate credit hours in fall, spring, or summer terms are classified as full-time students. Part-time is considered anything less than stated previously. Students enrolled in five (5) graduate credit hours in fall, spring, or summer terms are classified as half-time students.

Program concentrations may set minimum course credit requirements for their graduate students so as to maintain academic standards and expected progress toward degree requirements.

Academic Standards: Credit, Continuous Enrollment, Leave of Absence, Reinstatement, Grades, Degree, Graduation

Once admitted the student is expected to maintain a high level of academic achievement and a strong continuous connection to his/her advisor, other students, and the program of study. The following policies support this goal. Any deviation must be appealed by a petition submitted to the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator.


The maximum per semester credit for a graduate student is 9 semester hours for fall and spring, and 6 credits for summer terms. Minimum per semester credit required is one semester hour. 

Once admitted, students may request a substitution for transfer of graduate credit earned at another regionally accredited institution. The course work must conform to the time limits and grade expectations for course work counted toward the degree at DSU. The substitution form is submitted to the advisor and Educational Programs and Data Coordinator who will process the request.

Credit counted toward the degree from DSU through transfer with a grade of B or better from other regionally accredited institutions may not exceed nine (9) credits required for the degree. The transfer of credit must be recommended by the student’s advisor and chairperson, and approved by the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator. Transfer work is included in the calculation of cumulative grade point average. 

Credit counted toward the degree from DSU must be completed within a seven (7) year time limit. The time begins with the beginning of the semester when the first course counted toward the degree is completed to the end of the semester when the last course counted toward the degree is completed. 

Credit counted toward the degree from DSU must have been earned from a U.S. or Canadian institution accredited to offer graduate courses and degrees. Credits from international institutions can be transferred only if approved through the DSU prescribed process for international course transfer evaluation. 

Credit counted toward the degree from DSU must be at the graduate level.

Credit counted toward the degree from DSU must not be continuing education, correspondence, workshop, or Pass/Fail Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory courses.

Credit counted toward the degree from DSU must not have been used to fulfill the requirements of a baccalaureate degree.

Continuous Enrollment

All enrolled students pursuing a master's degree will maintain continuous enrollment from matriculation until completion of all degree requirements. Continuous enrollment is defined as registration during each semester (fall, spring, and summer) of the academic year until the degree is attained or until status as a degree-seeking graduate student is terminated through an official University withdrawal. 

With continuous enrollment, graduate students will have "active" status until the degree is conferred and have the option of continuous access to University services and resources - such as financial aid, advisor assistance, and information resources - throughout their graduate careers.

Minimum registration: Unless on approved on-leave status, a student must be enrolled in a minimum of one semester hour each semester until his/her degree is granted or the student's status as a degree seeking student is terminated.

On-leave Status

On-leave status is available to students who need to suspend their program of study. On-leave status is granted in cases where the student demonstrates good cause (e.g. illness, temporary departure from the University for employment, military service, family issues, financial need, personal circumstances). A graduate student may request a maximum of three academic terms of leave including summer semester during the course of study for the degree. The time spent in approved on-leave status will be included in the seven-year time limit for completing requirements of the master's degree. The Educational Programs and Data Coordinator will offer a leave of absence to eligible students.

A student with approved on-leave status is not required to pay tuition or fees or register for the one credit of continuous enrollment. On-leave status does not provide the student with University resources. Approval of the advisor, program administrator, and the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator are required. 

A student who does not enroll in a minimum of one semester hour or apply for and receive on-leave status fails to maintain continuous enrollment. Failing to maintain continuous enrollment through minimum credit registration or the on-leave status will cause the student to relinquish his or her graduate standing in the University.


A student who wishes to have graduate standing reinstated will be required to file a Graduate Readmission form. Acceptance back into the graduate program is not guaranteed. The reinstatement procedures are dictated by the period of absence from enrollment.

Six semesters or less (including summer): The student completes the Returning Student Application. 

More than six semesters (including summers): The student is considered a new applicant, and new supporting materials are required. The applicable standards are those in effect when the student applies for readmission. Coursework more than seven years old is not counted toward a graduate degree.


The following letter grades, quality level and points are used to calculate grade point averages. All quarter credit hours are converted to semester hours when calculating grade point averages:

Letter Significance Points
A Highest 4
B Second 3
C Third 2
D Lowest 1
F Failed 0

Graduate students must maintain an overall graduate GPA of 3.0 (ME 2.5). A student falling below this minimum after nine (9) semester hours will be placed on academic probation and assigned Provisional status.

Graduate students placed on academic probation and assigned Provisional status must raise their overall GPA to at least a 3.0 (ME 2.5) within the next nine (9) graduate credit hours taken; if not the student will be dismissed from the program/institution. 

The minimum passing grade for graduate credit is a 'C'. No more than six (6) semester hours of 'C' graded credit may be applied toward the degree. 

'D' graded graduate credit may not be applied toward the degree.

Any course previously taken for which the grade received was below a 'B' may be repeated once. All repeats will be recorded along with the initial attempt. If a course is repeated, the second grade is used to determine grade point average. A student who fails in the first course of sequence cannot take the following courses in that sequence until the course has been completed with a passing grade. 

Continuation in the program of study may be denied at any time during the program by not maintaining the University standard of scholarship, including academic integrity, and/or continuous enrollment. 

Only two (2) graduate courses, prerequisite and/or required, may be repeated to satisfy completion of the degree. 

The grade of "incomplete" may be negotiated with an instructor when the student has failed to meet a specific and important requirement in the course but has in other respects done passing work for the semester. The grade of incomplete must be removed during the regular semester following the term in which it was reported. If the deficiency is not made up within the specified time, the incomplete will revert to the grade earned at the time the incomplete was negotiated. An extension on the incomplete may be requested by the faculty member.


The graduate degree is a defined program of courses, research, or practice offered by a department, division, or multiple units that focuses on a field of study. Any deviation from the courses, research or practice must be appealed by petition through the advisor and the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator and acted on by the Graduate Council. 

All graduate degrees must require a minimum of 30 semester hours of graded courses, research, or practice. 

All courses, research, or practice applied toward the degree must be completed within seven (7) years. The time begins with the beginning of the semester when the first course counted toward the degree is completed to the end of the semester when the last course counted toward the degree is completed. 

It is DSU's responsibility to inform active and potential students of changes to the degree requirements. Students must be given sufficient notification so as to allow them to finish their program requirements. When this is not possible substitutions must be provided.


Graduation requirements are as follows:

Student must apply for graduation according to the dates established by DSU.

Student must successfully complete a minimum of 30 (ME) or 33 (MAEL) or 34 (MAT) graduate semester hours in an approved plan of study to be eligible for graduation.

Student may not transfer more than nine (9) semester hours required for degree. 

Student must complete the degree requirements as specified by the program. 

Student must attain a minimum overall graduate grade point average of 3.0 (MAT) or 2.5 (ME) with no more than two (2) course repeats. No course may be repeated more than once. 

The time elapsed from the beginning of the first course applied toward degree requirements to the degree awarded date will not exceed seven (7) years. 

Students must successfully complete a final comprehensive portfolio (MAT), and other program concentration requirements. 

MAT students must complete NDESPB Praxis requirements prior to the degree being conferred.

Due Process

Faculty may appeal graduate policy decisions through the existing DSU and SBHE policy and procedures. 

Applicants to a graduate academic program may appeal decisions on their admission status by petition. The petition will be obtained from the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator. The Educational Programs and Data Coordinator will process the petition with the Graduate Council and notify the applicant of the result in a timely manner. 

A graduate student may appeal a graduate policy by petition. The petition will be obtained from the Educational Programs and Data Coordinator and be submitted through the advisor. The Educational Programs and Data Coordinator will process the petition with the Graduate Council and notify the petitioner of the result in a timely manner.

Admission of Last-Semester Seniors

Seniors in residence at Dickinson State University may register for up to 9 graduate credits during the final year in which they will complete course work for a bachelor's degree at Dickinson State University. This option is reserved for outstanding seniors. This registration must be approved by the course instructor, the student's advisor, and the department chairperson. The student's total per semester course load, including both graduate and undergraduate credits, may not exceed 16 credits, or 9 credits in the case of summer school. A senior selecting this option must file the Graduate Studies application from when he/she requests permission to take a graduate-level course.

Admission Requirements for Professional Development/Continuing Education Students - P-12 Teachers

Dickinson State University recognizes the need for P-12 teachers to improve their professional capabilities. In most cases, the courses are workshops or short courses that can be taken in a compressed time period. These types of courses are "advanced" with respect to the students who enroll but are not courses that a particular discipline offers to a student with the goal of earning an advanced degree. Therefore, professional development/continuing education courses are offered through the DSU West River Teacher's Center and are treated differently from Graduate Studies courses in the following respects:

  1. Students may enroll in professional development/continuing education courses without the necessity of meeting all Graduate Study admission requirements. However, they must hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution at the time they enter the course or receive special permission from the Dean of Instruction/Associate Provost.
  2. The credits earned will not count toward an advanced degree, nor may they be petitioned to count at a later date.
  3. There is no limit to the number of professional development/continuing education credits that a student may earn.
  4. All instructors of professional development/continuing education courses must have an advanced degree.