University Learning Outcomes and Assessment Program

Participation in University Assessment Program

Dickinson State University has an on-going program of assessing university-wide learning outcomes for students who graduate from the institution with either an associate or baccalaureate degree. A graduate of Dickinson State University will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of human cultures, the humanities, the social sciences, the fine and performing arts, and the physical and natural worlds.
  2. Demonstrate the intellectual skills of inquiry, mathematical reasoning, quantitative and qualitative analysis, critical and creative thinking, and problem solving.
  3. Demonstrate written, oral, and visual communication skills, information literacy, and technological skills.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of personal and community health and wellness.
  5. Demonstrate responsible ethical reasoning and social and intercultural engagement.
  6. Demonstrate advanced accomplishment in discipline- specific performance.
  7. Demonstrate integrative learning across the curriculum.

These learning outcomes are institutional in nature and are incorporated within specific outcomes for each major program. Major programs, courses, and university programs are all geared to implement and develop the above learning outcomes during the academic careers of Dickinson State University students in order to provide students with the quality education needed for future employment and function as a productive member of society. All faculty and students are active participants in producing and inculcating these learning outcomes. Therefore, participation in assessment activities is mandatory for all students as part of the University experience. Each program must have a method(s) for assessing seniors on the program's outcomes.

NOTE: Degrees will not be posted on the transcript until assessment requirements are met at an acceptable level as determined by the University.