NURS 121 Basic Nursing Concepts I
NURS 121 is the first didactic nursing course of the AASPN program and introduces the student to the discipline of nursing. End of Program Student Learning Outcomes (EPSLOs) of professionalism, communication, assessment, planning, and caring interventions as defined by the Department of Nursing will be introduced in this course. Content/principles related to the following units are included in this course: (1) Introduction to Nursing and the History of Nursing, (2) Nursing Process, (3) Musculoskeletal System, Mobility and Immobility, and Sleep, (4) Skin Integrity and the Prevention of Skin Breakdown, (5) Fluid, Electrolytes Acid Base Balance, (6) Diabetes Mellitus, (7) Normal Abnormal Vital Signs, (8) Medication Administration, (9) Disorders of the Upper Respiratory Tract Oxygenation, (10) Advanced Clinical Skills Total Body Assessment. Prerequisites: High school chemistry and algebra, or equivalent. Co-requisite: NURS 198A - Basic Nursing Concepts Clinical I. Fall.