General Academic Policies

  1. All participants in the Theodore Roosevelt Honors Leadership Program (TRHLP) must be baccalaureate degree seeking. It is mandatory all TR scholars graduate with a Leadership Studies Minor. 
  2. Students will only be admitted in the fall and if they have less than 60 college credits total.
  3. If a student is admitted as a freshman, (0-23 credit hours) he/she will receive 4 years of funding. If a student is admitted as a sophomore (24-59 credit hours) he/she will receive 3 years of funding. 
  4. If a nursing student is admitted as a freshman (0-23 credit hours) he/she will receive 5 years of funding. If a nursing student is admitted as a sophomore (24-59 credit hours) he/she will receive 4 years of funding.
  5. To keep their scholarships, students must maintain all program requirements
  6. All TRHLP courses involve intensive reading and writing assignments.
  7. Students are expected to take at least one class from the TRHLP curriculum per semester. Those classes and a Course of Study are listed below and in the Dickinson State University Catalog. Students take additional courses in their discipline or other general education courses to meet the mandated full-time student load of 12 hours or more of coursework at DSU. 
    1. Qualified DSU and transfer students may enter the TRHLP in the fall only and if they have under 60 credit hours when they begin the program. These students will need to make up required coursework in order to earn the Leadership Studies Minor.
    2. Nursing students should consult with the Department of Nursing Chair and the TRHLP Director when planning their course of study. Nursing students may receive 5 years of funding, provided they maintain all program requirements.
    3. College Composition I and II taken through the high school early entry (formerly known as dual credit) program will ONLY count toward TRHLP curricular requirements if the student received an “A” grade.
    4. Fundamentals of Public Speaking taken through the high school early entry (formerly known as dual credit) program will ONLY count toward TRHLP curricular requirements if the student received an “A” grade.
  8. Students must be attending courses on campus during their time as TR Scholars and DSU students
  9. Students are expected to be very active in the program. The TRHLP requires students attend certain events and activities. These include, but are not limited to: all-class meetings, co-curriculars, program events, and other events/activities deemed mandatory by the Director. More information is available in the Maintenance of Honors Program Status section below. 
  10. The TRHLP is very service learning oriented. All students will complete 60 service learning hours over the time of their scholarship. These must be volunteer hours and not for pay. Thirty of these hours will be completed in the LEAD 495H-1 Introduction to TRHLP course that students take during their first semester. The remaining 30 hours will be completed by taking the LEAD 495H-2 Service Learning course. Students will engage in other service learning opportunities during their time as TR Scholars, but will only earn credit towards the required 60 while enrolled in the appropriate courses.
  11. When applying for graduation, graduating seniors must indicate they will graduate with a Leadership Studies Minor. Graduating Seniors will also need to schedule a graduation audit with the TRHLP Director the semester prior to graduation.