President's Message
Dear Fellow Blue Hawks:
Welcome—or welcome back—to Dickinson State University. We are delighted to have you studying at DSU!
This catalog outlines a wide range of academic opportunities. We want to do everything we can to help you find the courses that fit your educational and career interests and keep you on track for graduation. Please call on your advisor for help with constructing a schedule that meets your goals.
We are grateful for your dedication to your education and to DSU. To those who endured the COVID restrictions of the past two years, congratulations for persevering with your studies. We are glad to have you back on campus. We are also glad to have those of you who are pursuing your studies remotely "at" Dickinson State. All of you make the Blue Hawk community more vibrant.
Dickinson State is a small community with big opportunities. Some of those opportunities are in the pages of this catalog. Others are outside the classroom. While you are a DSU student, please take advantage of the myriad of experiences available to you, both inside and outside the classroom. We are here to support you.
Hawks Are Up!
President Stephen D. Easton