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2024-2026 Catalog
> DTEC - Diesel Technology
DTEC - Diesel Technology
DTEC 101 Introduction to the Diesel Technology Industry
DTEC 102 Introduction to Diesel Fuel Systems
DTEC 103 Introduction to Power Train
DTEC 104 Introduction to Hydraulics
DTEC 105 Introduction to Electrical Systems
DTEC 106 Introduction to Diesel Engines
DTEC 107 Electrical Troubleshooting
DTEC 108 Supervised Occupational Experience I
DTEC 110 Heat, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
DTEC 111 Vehicle Brakes
DTEC 201 Introduction to Electronic Controls
DTEC 202 Advanced Electrical and Emission Systems
DTEC 203 Advanced Electronic Controls
DTEC 204 Mobile Hydraulics
DTEC 205 Transmissions and Drive Systems
DTEC 206 Advanced Engines and Fuel Systems
DTEC 207 Supervised Occupational Experience II