Important Information


Every enrolled student will have access to personalized assistance (an appropriate academic advisor) and information (an official University catalog) related to their academic program, thus ensuring the student will be able to complete their degree within a reasonable length of time. While the University guarantees that every student will have access to this type of valuable information and guidance, it is each individual student’s responsibility to carefully review the specific degree requirements of their academic program and the general graduation requirements of the University indicated in the catalog.


A student may, at any time, change their major and/or advisor. Students will need to complete a Major Minor Change Form which is available on the DSU eForms tile in Campus Connection.

Students should declare a major by the end of their first year for advising and registration purposes.  Undeclared students will be listed as seeking a Bachelor of University Studies degree.


The normal credit load for a semester is 16 credit hours (summer session, 12 hours). Students can enroll for a maximum of 18 hours without an advisor’s signature. Enrollment for credits beyond 18 credit hours (19-21 credit hours, summer session 13-15 credit hours) requires signatures of the advisor and the appropriate dean and a recommended GPA of 3.00 (No rounding or approximation).

Students should not take more than 21 credit hours in a regular semester (15 summer session). Waiver of restrictions (hours/GPA) can be granted by the dean if recommended by the advisor for up to 23 credit hours for a regular session course and up to 16 credit hours for summer session.


It is the official policy of Dickinson State University (DSU) that students are expected to attend scheduled classes and labs of the courses in which they have enrolled as published in the official course schedule.  Faculty may use their professional judgment regarding student attendance in the courses they teach.


  • Traditional Classroom
    • Attendance: Students enrolled in these classes are expected to attend class in-person.Faculty should refer to the “Excused Absences” section below when considering accommodations for students who are absent from class or plan to be absent.
    • Delivery: Course materials, discussions, and assessment activities will take place in the classroom.Instructors may choose to use the Learning Management System (LMS) for some course materials, discussion threads, and assessment activities.
    • Schedules: Courses will follow the traditional start and end dates and times.Instructors will determine due dates for course activities.
  • Online
    • Attendance: Students enrolled in these classes participate in fully asynchronous format.
      • Examples of online attendance may include, but are not limited to:
        • Assignment submission
        • Weekly attendance quiz
        • Participation in discussion post
        • Signing of online student contract
    • Delivery: Instructors will use the LMS for distribution and collection of all course materials, discussion threads, and assessment activities.Note that instructors may use a proctored exam process for assessment activities:
      • NOTE: Some courses (i.e., COMM 110 – Fundamentals of Public Speaking) may have required times for students to meet synchronously.
    • Schedules: Courses will follow the traditional start and end dates.Instructors will determine all due dates for course activities.
  • DSUliveTM
    • Attendance: Students enrolled in these courses attend class synchronously via a live video session.With pre-approved instructor permission, students may attend class asynchronously by watching recorded lecture videos later.
    • Delivery: Instructors will use the LMS for remote distribution and collection of all course materials, discussion threads, and (if applicable) assessment activities.Instructors may use a proctored exam process for assessment activities.
      • NOTE: DSUliveTM classes will be listed in conjunction with a Traditional Classroom course as listed above.
    • Schedules: Courses will follow the traditional start and end dates and times.Instructors will determine due dates for course activities.

Attendance Reporting

DSU’s official approach to monitoring and reporting student attendance supports student academic success and facilitates compliance with federal financial aid guidelines.

Academic Affairs is responsible for the development and implementation of the method to report attendance, in consultation with the faculty and with cooperation from Student Affairs.  For asynchronous and some other online courses, reporting of assignment completion might be more helpful than reporting of “attendance.”

Attendance must be reported weekly and reported no later than 5:00 PM on Saturday of each week for the first 50% of the course (i.e., the first four weeks of an 8-week course and eight weeks for a 16-week course). Additionally, faculty must report the last day of attendance for students who failed.  Faculty attendance reports must be made at the end of the semester via the final grade roster on Campus Connection at the end of the semester. 

Student Affairs will monitor attendance records weekly.  Attendance data allows Student Affairs to intervene with students to increase retention and success.

Excused Absences

The faculty are required to excuse a student from class for the following events or circumstances and to provide opportunities for students to make up exams or class work that the student may miss for these sanctioned absences.  The faculty member is expected to accommodate the student’s situation without compromising the academic integrity of the course or in-class experience.

  1. Academically related and institutionally sponsored activities (e.g., class field trips, athletic competitions, study tours, band and chorale tours, student government activities, and Campus Activities Board sponsored activities).
    1. Before the activity, the faculty member, advisor, or coach will prepare written notification of these absences and circulate them to faculty and staff.
    2. Faculty are required to accommodate the student for these circumstances and not penalize them for engaging in institutional activities.
  2. Medical and other personal situations for which the student has no control (e.g., weather, course subpoena, jury duty, National Guard and other military duty, etc.)
    1. The student is responsible for providing documentation for medical emergencies and legal situations.
    2. In cases of death of a student family member, faculty are expected to accommodate the student’s situation.
    3. Traditional classroom students who are unable to commute due to no travel advisories or hazardous weather conditions when campus remains open must communicate with faculty regarding arrangement to attend classes remotely.

Faculty Responsibility

Faculty are responsible for indicating their attendance policy on their course syllabi and for informing students how that attendance policy will impact grades for the course.

Faculty must also confirm that all attending students are on the official course roster.


Students may be placed on academic warning, probation or suspension if they do not meet the minimum GPA requirements listed below.

  • Academic Warning: First year students who earn less than a 2.00 GPA will receive a letter of academic warning.Students who are on academic warning will be required to meet weekly with their assigned Student Success advisor in the SOAR Center. 
  • Academic Probation: Students not making satisfactory academic progress will be placed on academic probation.The following standards for satisfactory academic progress apply to all enrolled students:

    Total Hours Attempted

    Cumulative GPA Required







    Any student who does not make satisfactory progress according to these standards is placed on academic probation.  A student is continued on probation until the student brings their cumulative grade point average up to the required level or achieves a 2.00 grade point average during the subsequent semester(s) of enrollment.  A student on probation will be required to meet weekly with their assigned Student Success advisor to determine appropriate academic strategies.

    Satisfactory progress while on probation means achieving a grade point average of at least 2.00 or higher during the semester.  Failure on the part of the student to achieve a semester grade point average of 2.00 while on probation results in academic suspension from the University.

  • Academic Suspension: Failure to earn a 2.00 term GPA while on probation or continued probation will result in academic suspension from Dickinson State University.Suspension will be for one term (fall or spring semester).Any student who is suspended following spring semester will not be permitted to enroll for the following summer session.After being suspended, a student may submit a written appeal to the Vice President.Students who have appealed academic suspension will be required to attend mandatory study hall five hours per week and meet with their assigned Student Success advisor once per week.After the student has completed their suspension or successfully appealed, they may re-enroll.A student who is suspended twice for academic reasons may be suspended for one academic year.

    When the time of the suspension has been completed, the student will be reinstated and may enroll in classes again.  The student will be required to visit their assigned Student Success advisor once per week to determine an appropriate academic strategy. 

    Failure to attend weekly or other required meetings with Student Success advisors may result in the recommendation of administrative withdrawal by the Dean of Students.

  • Transfer Students: Transfer students entering Dickinson State University with a cumulative GPA below 2.00 will be placed on academic probation at the time of enrollment.The student will be required to visit with their assigned Student Success advisor once per week to determine an appropriate academic strategy.The institutional probation and/o suspension policy will apply at the end of their first term.


A student who finds it necessary to cancel or withdraw from the University must complete the Cancellation/Withdraw  Form which is located on the DSU eForms tile in Campus Connection following these steps: Cancellation/Withdrawal Form Instructions.

Withdrawals (with the exception of medical or family emergency) will not be allowed after the 12th week of the semester according to SBHE Policy 406. Application for Lathe Withdrawal Form is available on the DSU website and requires additional documentation.

If a student does not complete the withdrawal process as described above, the student will receive the grade of “F” in all courses.

A schedule of tuition refunds is maintained by the Office of Business Affairs.  That schedule will be followed unless extenuating circumstances are directed by the Chief Operating Officer, or their designee.

Please contact the Academic Records for more information at