GEOG 480 Concepts of Global Positioning Systems (GPS)/Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

Concepts of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technology and GPS related mapping plus Geographical Information Systems (GIS) will be expanded upon with an emphasis on the practical application of these technologies in natural resource management. Main class tasks include: field collection of GPS data with ArcPad (ESRI) along with internet acquisition, analysis, and presentation of GIS data with ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap and ArcCatalog) software. Students will be expected to generate appropriate self directed GPS/GIS questions, and subsequent GIS reports, and layouts to successfully complete this class. Pre-requisite: PLSC 380-Applied ArcGIS, or appropriate GIS experiences. Spring, odd years. Course fee required. (Cross listed with GIS 480).



Cross Listed Courses

Cross listed with GIS 480


PLSC 380-Applied ArcGIS, or appropriate GIS experiences.