Collaborative Pre-Engineering Program

Pre-Engineering Degree Programs

Dickinson State University and North Dakota State University have entered into an agreement whereby students can begin their study towards a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engieering at DSU. Students can complete the first two years of courses, including introductory engineering course, at DSU. This will prepare them for transfer to NDSU where they can complete the NDSU Bachelor of Science degree requirements in either computer, electrical, industrial or manufacturing engineering. After successful completion of four semesters of undergraduate work at DSU, students will be accepted for transfer to NDSU if they have earned a transfer cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of:

2.3 for Electrical Engineering, or

2.0 for Computer Engineering, Industrial Engineering

For Manufacturing Engineering, students must also have earned the equivalent grade of C or better for each course to be awarded for transfer credit.

Admission Requirements

Students must declare their intent to participate in the Collaborative Engineering Program when they enroll at DSU. Admission to the NDSU engineering program is separate from admission to either university and will be determined by the appropriate NDSU engineering department. Admission to the NDSU Engineering Program

must be approved before transfer to NDSU.



In addition to classroom learning, the Collaborative Engineering Program provides hands-on learning through summer internships with local companies. Internship opportunities will be arranged through the NDSU College of Engineering and the departments of the engineering major and facilitated by the DSU Department of

Mathematics and Computer Science.


The specific programs offered are:


Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineers work in one of the biggest engineering fields, which includes all power systems, circuitry, microprocessors, computer chips, digital broadcasting and telephone switching systems.


Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineers create assembly line systems to help with manufacturing processes. They utilize energy, people, machines and information to help organize the manufacturing of a specific product. Industrial engineers must solve organizational problems and create an efficient production process.


Manufacturing Engineering

Manufacturing engineers apply scientific principles to the production of goods. They are key team members in the production of a wide range of products – automobiles, airplanes, electronics, surgical instruments, foodstuffs, recreational equipment, etc. Manufacturing engineers design the processes and systems to make products available when and where customers prefer, at the best possible price and in ways that are environmentally friendly.


Computer Engineering

Computer engineers, also called Web, IT, or software engineers, create programs for use on computer platforms or on the internet. They develop and design communication systems, maintain network stability and implement new user interfaces.