Writing Requirements in Accounting, Administration, Finance, Human Resource Management, International Business, and Business Education
Majors in the School of Business and Entrepreneurship must complete a minimum of 6 credit hours of general education WAC courses not part of students’ degree plans. Those credits may consist of DSU’s College Composition I and II, which are writing intensive, or transfer courses or credit considered equivalent according to SBHE placement and transfer policies. All School of Business and Entrepreneurship majors are required to take all of the following courses which meet or exceed the University requirements for WAC/WID (i.e. 12 WID credit hours of which 9 credit hours must be writing intensive courses as indicated with an asterisk.)
ACCT 315 Business Law I (3)
*ACCT 316 Business Law II (3)
ACCT 407 Auditing I (4)
BADM 336 Management and Leadership (3)
*BADM 369 Business Ethics and Critical Thinking (3)
BADM 455 International Business (3)
*BADM 485 Business Policy (4)
*BOTE 210 Business Communication (3)
*ENTR 366 Entrepreneurship (3)
MRKT 301 Principles of Marketing (3)