Career Options
Why should you pursue a Bachelor of Science Degree - Agricultural Studies: General Agriculture Option?
The general agriculture option of the bachelor’s in agricultural studies is designed to provide students with a broad array of agricultural content, often paving the way to employment in education and farm service consulting.
Possible Career Paths
- Agricultural Educator
- Entrepreneur
- Farm Cooperative
- Cooperative Extension Service
- Realtor
One course from the following two courses (3 credits):
One course from the following two courses (3 credits):
One course from the following two courses (1 credit):
AGRI 491 and RNG 491 are capstone experience seminars that consist of an independent study with a public presentation and a professional paper requirement.
One course from the following three courses (3 credits):
One course from the following four courses (3 credits):
General Agriculture Option
Option Total Credit Hours: 42-44
Students pursuing the General Agriculture option combine business, production and resource management as they relate to agriculture in the Northern Great Plains. Employment opportunities include agricultural education and extension.
Students will be required to take GIS 380 – Applied Arc GIS and COMM 216 – Intercultural Communication as part of the Agricultural Studies core curriculum. Students will be required to take BIOL 111/BIOL 111L – Concepts of Biology and Lab, CHEM 115/CHEM 115L – Introduction to Chemistry and Lab, and PSYC 111 – Introduction to Psychology as part of General Education curriculum. If not taken as a General Education class, it must be taken to fulfill the General Agriculture option requirements. Students pursuing a Masters of Education in Agricultural Education from NDSU must also complete the Agricultural Education minor.
If pursuing a Masters of Education in Agricultural Education from NDSU, the following three courses are required. If not, seven additional credits of agricultural electives are required, of which three must be at the 300- or 400- level.
Choose course not taken in agricultural core curriculum (3 credits):
Choose ASM or GIS Electives (6 credits):
Select six credits of electives in ASM (Agricultural Systems Management) or GIS (Geographical Information Systems) courses. Three of these credits must be at the 300- or 400- course level.
Choose Agricultural Electives (15 Credits):
Select 15 credits of electives in AGEC (Agricultural Economics), ANSC (Animal Science), PLSC (Plant Science), RNG (Range Science), SOIL (Soil Science) or VETS (Veterinary Science) courses. All of these credits must be at the 300- or 400-course level. No more than six credits of agricultural electives can be taken from any one prefix.