General Regulations

Parking areas:

1. A current and valid DSU parking permit is required and must be appropriately displayed on all vehicles parked on the DSU Campus.

2. Employee Parking: To be used by Dickinson State University employees only (does not include student employees).

3. Visitor Parking: Not to be used by either students or employees.

4. Open Parking: Area not designated as visitor, employee, or permit parking.

5. Handicapped Parking (marked with blue curbside paint and/or cross-marks indicated by wheelchair access sign): To be used only by vehicles displaying a handicapped parking permit.

6. Vehicles may be towed at owner’s expense for parking in fire lanes and for the purpose of snow removal if parked in an area not designed for overnight parking.

7. No parking on Campus Drive from 2:00 - 6:00 a.m. for snow removal. 

Drivers of vehicles shall yield the right of way to pedestrians.