HPER 510 Capstone: Research Application and Internship in Athletic Leadership

This culminating capstone course is designed to assess students on problem identification, analysis, and decision-making regarding challenges and opportunities within the context of interscholastic and intercollegiate athletics. Applied, real-world case studies will be used to drive student assessment and class discussion, focusing on the key topical areas throughout the sport administration curriculum. This course is designed to be a capstone project within the Master of Athletic Administration. This course requires students utilize research methods learned within the program and apply them within a research project to be defended at the course’s conclusion.  Data collection and Research could include sports law and governance, recruiting and media relations, or other topics related to athletic administration. This capstone serves as the exit requirement and must be approved by the HPER graduate committee. Presentation of collected data and conclusions drawn completes the final step in the degree process. Graduate status required. 
