Agricultural Education Minor
This minor is required exclusively for students who desire to pursue a Masters of Education in Agricultural Education through a collaborative program with North Dakota State University.
To facilitate entry into this collaborative program, students will:
• Apply to DSU/NDSU Ag Education Teacher License Program (Masters of Education in Agricultural Education) in the spring of their junior year.
• Have a 3.00 GPA at the time of application.
• Have completed or are currently enrolled in EDUC 250, H&CE 232 and H&CE 322.
• Have passing Praxis/ACT scores.
Following admission to the program, students continue with undergraduate agriculture courses at DSU and begin taking 600 level education courses via distance from NDSU. Students are expected to complete their undergraduate degree requirements by the end of their fourth year. Their fifth year would be entirely dedicated to 600 level coursework in preparation for student-teaching during the
spring of their fifth year. In order to remain in the program, students' GPA must remain above 3.00 per requirements of NDSU Graduate School.
Core Courses
Restricted electives in EDUC and H&CE offered through NDSU* (13-14 credits)
Choose one course from the following two courses:
Choose one course from the following two courses:
Total Credit Hours: 26-27