Distance Education
In support of the University’s mission to provide high quality accessible programs and recognizing the needs of each student, the role of distance education is to extend available University resources beyond the campus and traditional offerings. Through cooperative and collaborative efforts Dickinson State University offers degree programs, courses and certificates to meet individual’s academic and career goals. Programs include Dickinson State University Online, Dickinson State University face-to- face programs and two-plus-two programs at Bismarck State College and Williston State College.
Students pursuing coursework through distance education are supported and have access to assistance through their assigned academic advisor, Dickinson State University and Dickinson State University Bismarck site student services offices, Technical Resource & Education Center, the Dickinson State University website and DSUBLUE.com: the website specifically tailored for distance education students.
Advising: Entering students are assigned an experienced point-of- contact advisor for general questions in regard to attending college; along with a faculty advisor from their chosen field of study.
Tutoring: Distance education students have access to online tutoring services through Smarthinking.
Technology Applications: Dickinson State University students have access to training tutorials through Atomic Learning. These tutorials are able to assist students with questions regarding formatting Word documents, working with Excel spreadsheets and many other functions.
Additional information, along with access instructions can be found on the Student Resources page of www.dsublue.com
Dickinson State University Locations and Degree programs
Please refer to the academic program pages for degree specifics.
Dickinson State University Online
Associate in Arts
Associate in Science in Agriculture Sales/ Service Equine Management
Associate in Science in Agriculture Sales/Service Equine Training
Bachelor of Applied Science
Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Finance
Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management
Bachelor of Science in University Studies
Dickinson State University-Bismarck State College Site
Degrees available via distance delivery where indicated with the following
Bismarck =B, Online =O,
Bachelor of Applied ScienceB, O
Bachelor of Arts in Composite Social ScienceB
Bachelor of Arts in EnglishB
Bachelor of Arts in MusicB
Bachelor of Science in AccountingB, O
Bachelor of Science in Business AdministrationB,O
Bachelor of Science in Computer ScienceB
Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology ManagementB
Bachelor of Science in MathematicsB
Bachelor of Science in Education: Business EducationB
Bachelor of Science in Education: Choral Music EducationB
Bachelor of Science in Education: Composite Music EducationB
Bachelor of Science in Education: Composite Social Science B
Bachelor of Science in Education: Elementary EducationB
Bachelor of Science in Education: English EducationB
Bachelor of Science in Education: History EducationB
Bachelor of Science in Education: Instrumental Music EducationB
Bachelor of Science in Education: Mathematics EducationB
Bachelor of Science in FinanceB, O
Bachelor of Science in Human Resource ManagementB, O
Bachelor of University StudiesB, O
Certificate in Human Resource ManagementB
Dickinson State University Williston State Site
Degrees available via distance delivery where indicated with the following
Williston=W, Online =O,
Bachelor of University Studies W, O
Bachelor of Applied ScienceW, O