
Farm and Ranch Management Certificate Program

Degree Requirements:

Certificate Program Courses

Summer Internship

The Farm and Ranch Management Certificate Program will offer students the opportunity to receive production agricultural education and training designed to enhance production efficiencies. Students enrolled in this program will receive a certificate upon successful completion of the requirements of this program.

Student Learning Outcomes

Farm and Ranch Management completers will be able to demonstrate a/an:

  1. Objective and up-to-date understanding of the issues facing modern agriculture and be able to present both the pros and cons of proposed solutions to these issues. (This learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes I, II, III, V, and VI.)
  2. Basic proficiency in a wide range of specific approved practices in production agriculture. (This learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes II and VI.)
  3. Basic proficiency in the use of financial and precision farming computer software. (This learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes II, III, and VI.)
  4. Be able to develop and use the newest marketing and management tools to make more effective marketing and management decisions. (This learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes I, II, III, V, and VI.)
  5. Basic proficiency in using both arc and wire welders in all positions. (This learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes II and VI.)


Farm and Ranch Management Certificate Courses

AGEC 142Agricultural Accounting


AGEC 244Introduction to Agricultural Marketing


AGRI 115Agricultural Math


AGRI 280Technology in Agriculture


ANSC 220Livestock Production


ASM 155Agricultural Welding


H&CE 241Leadership and Presentation Techniques


PLSC 110World Food Crops


SOIL 210Introduction to Soil Science


Approved Agricultural Electives


AGRI 297Agricultural Management Internship; Externship; Cooperative Education


Total Credit Hours: 35

The student must register for two semester hours of internship, preferably during the summer after their first year.