Graduation and Academic Honors


Candidates for graduation from a four-year-degree curriculum will receive honors upon graduation on the following basis:

Summa Cum Laude Minimum Cumulative GPA 3.9
Magna Cum Laude Minimum Cumulative GPA 3.75
Cum Laude Minimum Cumulative GPA 3.5

The cumulative GPA includes all college credits earned prior to graduation, not just college credits earned at Dickinson State University.

The honor standings for commencement purposes are evaluated one semester prior to graduation. Final honors will be evaluated after completion of the degree. These honors will be posted on the student’s transcript. A minimum of 30 hours must be earned at Dickinson State University.


Students with a term GPA of 3.9 or above after the completion of a minimum of 12 Dickinson State University GRADED (A, B, C, D, F) credit hours* during the semester will be named to the President’s List. Pre-college courses do not count towards President's List including ASC 066, ASC 067, ASC 068, ASC 069, ASC 087, ASC 088, ASC 091, ASC 092, and ASC 093). Recipients of this prestigious award will receive a letter from the president of Dickinson State University and will also have an appropriate notation placed on their official academic record. Moreover, the list of recipients will be included in appropriate college publications and in area newspapers.

*Credits earned with an “S” grade cannot be counted in the required 12 credit minimum.


Students with a term GPA of 3.5 – 3.89 after the completion of a minimum of 12 Dickinson State University GRADED (A, B, C, D, F) credit hours* during the semester will be named to the Dean’s List. Pre-college courses do not count towards President's List including ASC 066, ASC 067, ASC 068, ASC 069, ASC 087, ASC 088, ASC 091, ASC 092, and ASC 093. Recipients of this prestigious award will receive a letter from the Provost and will also have an appropriate notation placed on their official academic record. Moreover, the list of recipients will be included in appropriate college publications and in area newspapers.

*Credits earned with an “S” grade cannot be counted in the required 12 credit minimum.