II. Student Rights and Responsibilities

As a means of giving greater content and definition to the important notion of student rights and responsibilities, those identified below shall be recognized as belonging to students at DSU. As referenced in Section 1, this list is not intended to be exhaustive, nor shall it in any way prevent recognition of additional, different, or modified rights, and obligations for students through supplementation to this Code, issuance of other University property, or any alternative, appropriate means. Students shall have a voice, through the Student Senate, in those affairs of the University directly concerning the student body.

2.1 University Community

The University, as a community, has the right and responsibility to formulate and disseminate policies and guidelines to promote the general welfare of its members. Students have the responsibility to know such policies and guidelines of the University. Students shall conduct themselves in such a way as to recognize the legitimate rights of others and to promote the welfare of the University community.

Within the Code, students are defined as those individuals admitted to DSU, currently or previously enrolled, and/or taking classes through the University. Visitors attending an on-campus event and guests on-campus may also be covered under the Code. Additionally, individuals who are not currently enrolled at the University may be held accountable for misconduct committed after they were admitted and before they left the University. Reference to “student” within the Code, covers and includes all other entities impacted by this Code, such as visitors and guests.

2.2 Community Expectations

All students are expected to observe University policies, procedures, contracts, and standards, including those published in the Code. Matters related to the Code will be communicated via students’ DSU email. It is the responsibility of each DSU student to maintain accurate personal data and monitor University email communication.

DSU may discipline a student for misconduct committed outside of University property, which in the University’s opinion may negatively impact the University community and/or the pursuit of its mission.

Actions taken under the Code are intended to be educational; they are not criminal in nature. As such, separate criminal/legal proceedings do not constitute double or triple jeopardy. Additionally, findings under the Code may differ from judgements issued within courts of law.

Students are responsible for all debts to DSU. DSU bears no responsibility for financial obligations incurred by students or student organizations. Should a student organization dissolve with outstanding financial debt, individuals holding leadership positions at the time the debt was incurred will be responsible for such debt.

2.3 Academic Freedoms and Responsibilities

In all academic matters, students have the right to be governed by justifiable regulations. Students have the right to an educational environment conducive to learning and free from unreasonable distraction. As such, students are responsible for classroom behavior which is conducive to the teaching/learning process for all concerned.

Students shall be free to take reasoned exception to data and views offered in the classroom and to maintain personal judgment about matters of opinion, without fear of penalty. As such, students have a right to grades that represent the instructor’s professional judgment of their performance in courses and laboratories. Students also have a right to accurately and clearly stated information which would enable them to determine: (a) The general requirements for establishing and maintaining an acceptable standing; (b) Their own academic/admission relationship with the University and any special conditions which apply; and, (c) The graduation requirements of any particular curriculum and major.

Students have the right to be informed of the content and objectives of a course, the methods and types of evaluations, and the relative importance of each test, paper, and assignment, comprising the total evaluation. Students are responsible for meeting the requirements of a course of study according to the standards of performance established by the instructor. This includes regular class attendance when established as an essential element of course content.

Additionally, students have a right to protection against improper disclosure of confidential information acquired by instructors; a right to seek assistance from instructors during the instructor’s regularly scheduled office hours; a right to refrain, without penalty, from activities that involve unreasonable risk to physical health and safety, except upon the student’s consent; and a responsibility for honest and ethical conduct in all academic and non-academic matters.

2.4 Educational Records

A student’s right of confidentiality and access to student’s records are governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).

Dickinson State University student records maintained by the University fall into two general categories: directory information and educational records. As custodian of student records, in compliance with FERPA, the University assumes the trust and obligation to ensure the full protection of student records. This includes maintaining the confidentiality of educational records. University personnel who have or accumulate educational records that are in a personally identifiable form shall comply with the administrative procedures that follow.

FERPA confidentiality regulations do not apply between two schools when students choose to become collaborative students. The colleges and universities involved may exchange academic information without written permission from the collaborative students. For more information about FERPA and directory information please visit DSU's website on FERPA guidelines.

2.5 Freedom of Speech

Students shall be free to examine and to discuss all questions of interest to them, and to express opinions publicly and privately. They shall be free to support any causes by lawful means. At the same time, it shall be made clear to the academic and at-large community, that in their public expression or demonstrations students and/or student organizations speak only for themselves and not on behalf of DSU.

Discussion and expression of all lawful views is permitted within the institution, in public places, subject to reasonable time, matter, and place requirements for maintenance of order and to applicable state, federal, and local laws. The University retains the right to provide for the safety of individuals, the protection of property, and the continuity of the educational process in maintaining order.

Charted student organizations may invite and hear any persons of their own choosing, subject to: (a) requirements for use of institutional facilities; (b) the rules and regulations governing student organizations; and (c) financial means.

Students have a right to express opinions through student publications when such publications exist. Students have a responsibility to adhere to the canons of professional journalism and are required to follow any stipulated guidelines provided by the University related to publications.

2.6 Student Life

Students shall be free to organize a club or organization and associate to promote their common interests. Student organizations are required to publicize information concerning purpose, criteria for membership, and a current list of officers. They shall not be required to submit a membership list as a condition of institutional recognition other than an initial list of student or faculty members. Chartered student groups may use University facilities, if available, in accordance with normal scheduling policies, provided they comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, policies, and this Code in the use and care of all such facilities.

2.7 University Housing

Students living within University Housing have the right to be secure in their possessions against invasion of privacy and unreasonable search and seizure. Students shall not violate the rights of other students residing in University Housing. University Housing is a privilege and not a right. Students residing within University Housing have additional responsibility to follow policies and procedures in place specifically addressing residential expectations, which may be stipulated through such means as leases and/or the DSU Guide to Residence Life.