XI. Disciplinary Records

11.1 Case File Content

A case file shall be developed and maintained in connection with each complaint filed against a student. It shall include and be limited to the following:

  1. The complaint.
  2. The notice to the student and the documentation of the disposition of the complaint.
  3. All documents filed in connection with an appeal.
  4. All pre-hearing documents.
  5. All relevant materials from the hearing.
  6. Any notice(s) of appeal and position statement(s) received regarding the appeal, together with the decision(s) on the appeal.
  7. All documents pertaining to a student’s interim sanctions.

11.2 Conduct Record

At the completion of the disciplinary process, the case file and any other materials not included in the case file but which were accumulated in connection with the case, shall be maintained as a part of the student’s disciplinary record at the University. The disciplinary record shall be maintained separately and apart from the student’s academic record.

The Dean of Students (or designee) shall have control over the student’s disciplinary record and shall see that it is maintained in compliance with institutional policy and the requirements of the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the USA Patriot Act, and lawful court orders. All conduct records are confidential. As provided under FERPA, information concerning Code of Conduct violations for alcohol and/or other drugs may be shared with parents. In addition, Code of Conduct violations may also be shared with some academic departments upon request and as necessary to fulfill their professional obligations. Suspension and expulsion are the only completed conduct actions which may be reflected on the official academic transcript of the student.

Student conduct records will be retained for seven (7) years unless suspension or expulsion is involved. In those cases, conduct records will be retained on a permanent basis.

Final Notice: Occasionally, there may be a need to update certain details, such as changes to staff titles or office locations, which are mentioned in the Code of Conduct. The Dean of Students may make editorial changes relating to this document as long as the substance of the document is not affected.