Bachelor of Science Degree - Finance
Degree Requirements:
General Education Courses
Pre-Major Courses
Finance Major Courses:
Business Core Courses
Finance Core Courses
A cumulative GPA of 2.25 or higher is required for graduation
Degree available in Bismarck and online
Student Learning Outcomes
The undergraduate program in Finance will enable students to:
- Apply the knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of accounting, including financial and managerial accounting with a clear understanding of financial statements as well as cost concepts and international accounting (this learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes I, II, V, and VI).
- Apply the knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of economics, including basic economic concepts, microeconomics, macroeconomics, and international economics (this learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes I, II, V, and VI).
- Apply the knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of management, including the management process, organizational behavior, strategy, policy, international and cross-cultural management, and entrepreneurship (this learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes I, II, V, and VI).
- Apply the knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of quantitative business analysis, including probability, statistics, and management science (this learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes II and VI).
- Apply the knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of information systems, including information systems in business and society, information technology concepts, business information systems, and systems development (this learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes I, II, and V).
- Apply the knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of finance, including corporate finance, investments, and international finance (this learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes II, III, and VI).
- Apply the knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of marketing, including identifying attractive markets, marketing institutions, and international marketing (this learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes I, II, V, and VI).
- Apply the knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of the legal and social environment, including the legal environment, regulatory environment, business relationships, ethics, and social responsibility (this learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes II and VI).
- Apply the knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of the international issues in relationship to all areas of business (this learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes I, II, and V).
- Provides students with an understanding of the fundamental concepts of the time value of money, capital budgeting, working capital management, financial statement analysis, cost of capital, and capital structure (this learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes II and VI).
- Provides students with an understanding of the fundamental concepts of risk and return, valuation of securities, financial market, and the financial environment (this learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes II and VI).
- Provides students with an understanding of the fundamental concepts of international finance (this learning outcome directly addresses Institutional Learning Outcomes I, II, V, and VI).
The following are required as part of General Education
Requires a “C” or better in each course; ENGL 111H, ENGL 121H - For TR Scholars only.
Pre-Major Courses
Requires a “C” or better in each course.
Finance Major Courses
Business Core
General Education courses and the Pre-Major courses listed above require a “C” or better before taking the Business Core courses.
Finance Core
Business Electives
Select 9 credit hours from business electives listed below.
Total Credit Hours: 69