Writing Requirements in Computer Science

Computer Science majors must complete a minimum of six credit hours of general education Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) courses. These credits would typically consist of DSU’s ENGL 110 College Composition I and ENGL 120 College Composition II, which are writing intensive courses, or transfer courses or credit considered equivalent according to SBHE transfer or placement policies. Computer Science majors must then complete 12 credit hours of Writing in the Discipline (WID) courses, six credits of which must be upper-level and three credits of which must be writing intensive. The following courses will fulfill these requirements, including the writing intensive course marked by an asterisk:

 CSCI 161 Computer Science II (4)

*CSCI 342 Object Programming with Data Structures (4)

 CSCI 486 Social Implications of Computing (3)

 CSCI 491 Seminar (3)   

In the case of a student transferring in a course for one above that does not have a significant writing component, the student may substitute courses from other areas such as courses in a student’s minor or other alternative means. Such alternative credit requires the student to submit documentation of intensive writing accompanied by a program substitution form filed with and approved by the school dean.